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Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Aren't we all? When you hear someone complaining they are busy do you secretly think "Yeah trying doing what I'm doing". We all do to an extent and the truth is we all feel like we are busy all the time. At least I do. When it was just Ashley and me at home everyday I use to think how much I would get done around the house when she got older.... yeah right! Not only because we added Wyatt to the mix but when she got in school there was homeroom mom stuff, PTO, she started Occupation Therapy, twirling, gymnastics.... and I'm sure there is something I have forgotten. So what I'm saying is we will always feel busy it is up to us to FIND or MAKE time to do something you want to be doing. Find insperation in something. I am hoping to do some of that myself with this...

But for now I need to go gather up all the box tops! ;)